Hello fellow bloggers, this is Jabrr back to discuss more on the topic of what is better Fine Art vs. Digital Art. Also why it appear Fine Art is becoming the stepchild to Digital Art. These blogs are in response to my individual questions I have and I needed to find out the answers to. This is my way of creating a line of communication with other artist to find out opinions they may have. If Fine Art or the style of Fine art creation is becoming phased out with the technology and methods of Digital Art creation. Most artists begin their quest learning the techniques in the Fine Arts field and then they migrate to Digital Art. Using Fine Art as a method of study versus using it as a means of Art creation. Only few artist keep a balance or decide to stay true to their Fine Art roots. Most I've seen do it for the love or as a hobby. I have seen most artists especially in the Commercial Art, Film and Comic Book field currently create there art by spending hours laboring in front of computer screens. Most of the Illustrations produced of hand drawn or painted art has some sort of computer generated look done in Photoshop, Painter, Paintshop Pro or Gimp. This is true for Illustrations done for other areas also like Advertising, Print Magazines, Newspaper (what is left of them anyway), Novels, Graphic Novels, Animation and images produce for the Web. Most diehard Fine artists who resists using technology with a passion now suffers from not applying their techniques and the use of digital technology to enhance their marketability.
Does this means the Fine Artist loses the battle? I will let those who read this blog decide. But I feel as one who has experienced both sides, I would say yes. Society has made a must that we adhere to using technology. Technology comsumes 70 - 80% of most americans daily lives. In the car, walking to work, on the bus, during lunch & dinner, and of course at home. So as an artist you must understand how to utilize technology in order to make yourself more viable and marketable as an artist. They are some rare exceptions, but most of this comes after years of marketing and hitting that niche market. But in today's global economy marketplace, you have to be a rock star artist with some very influential friends and associates to name your price for your art. They are very few who understand the creative effort it takes for produce art and cost module involved for pricing it.
Digital Art creation has its place and that is alongside Fine Art. A message most of this NOW generation must learn to appreciate. The rich history Fine Art has and why it is necessary to study and fully understand before honing your skills using digital art techiniques. I don’t claim to be a Renaissance Artist; but I do know as a multi-media artist I could not do one without my history applying understanding enough about the other. I love the idea of living my life as a Fine Artist, on day I plan to but economics and society steers me constantly to digital art creation. I am sure they are many who struggle with this internal battle which in most cases the digital artist wins. Though digital art is faster with more methods of application there is not like Fine Art.
Digital Art creation has its place and that is alongside Fine Art. A message most of this NOW generation must learn to appreciate. The rich history Fine Art has and why it is necessary to study and fully understand before honing your skills using digital art techiniques. I don’t claim to be a Renaissance Artist; but I do know as a multi-media artist I could not do one without my history applying understanding enough about the other. I love the idea of living my life as a Fine Artist, on day I plan to but economics and society steers me constantly to digital art creation. I am sure they are many who struggle with this internal battle which in most cases the digital artist wins. Though digital art is faster with more methods of application there is not like Fine Art.
I believe I have shared enough of my points on this subject the next blog I post will contain what industry reflects and says in reference to my questions.
Please comment, I would like to know what others creative individuals think in reference to this topic.
Check out some of my work on my portfolio page
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